Tadley and District History Society (TADS)


TADS Newsletter by Richard Brown  –  Click HERE!


With the current interest in the proposed housing development in south Tadley,
here is a link to the recent TADS Paper on the Portway Roman road which runs close to the development.

The Portway and other Roman Roads in the Tadley area

And here is a link to a short video produced by TADS on the Portway’s route in south Tadley:

TADS’s Portway video


List View
< February 2025 >
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10Spitfire Production in Tadley, by Richard Brown
20:00 - 21:00

Spitfire Production in Tadley, by Richard BrownTime: 20:00 - 21:00
Why was the Spitfire fighter so important to Britain?
Why was it produced in sheds and garages spread around Central Southern England?
What was built in Hangar 5, Tadley?
Are there any Tadley Spitfires left?
What happened to Hangar 5?
Richard of TADS Project Group will tell us the intriguing tale that answers these questions. Heath End Village Hall Map
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