Tadley Family Names
One of the Society’s late members, Iris Stanley, donated her extensive research on the history of Tadley families to TADS. It has been available on our website for over 20 years, during which many local people have benefited from her lifetime of dedication to the Local History of Tadley.
We have done our best to redact any personal information such as personal letters and information about living people. However, should you find items relating to your family that you wish not to be displayed, please contact us, and we will remove it as soon as possible. Please also inform us, should you find any broken links.
Note … Links take you to pdf files that contain several families information …
You may have to scroll down the pdf to find the family you want
Abbott; Adams; Aldridge; Aldworth; Alexander; Allen; Allmark; Allum; Almond; Anderson; Andrews; Angless – Anscombe ; Appleton Vol 1; Appleton Vol 2; Appleton Vol 3; Arlott; Arundell; Attwood; Austin; Avery; A-Misc.
Baggs; Baker; Ball; Ballard; Banbury; Barlow Vol 1; Barlow Vol 2; Bartlett; Basham; Bartlett; Bathgate; Baverstock; Bean; Beavers; Bechelet; Beckwith; Belcher; Benham; Bennett; Benham; Bentall; Berrington; Billington; Bird; Birch; Black; Blake; Bleatham; Blunden; Bogue; Bond; Bonner; Bonney; Bosley; Bound; Bowers; Bowman; Boyce; Bradley; Brake; Brant; Breakspear; Bridgewater; Brinkman; Brock; Brodie; Brookes; Broom; Broomfield; Brough; Brown; Brunt; Buckland; Burnell;Butler; Butler 1; Bryart; Bye.
Cameron; Carpenter; Carrington; Carter; Carter 1; Case; Castle; Champ; Chandler; Chapman; Cotterell; Cotterell 1 Cripps; Cull; Cullum; Curry; Curtis; Cuss.
Dale; Dansey; Dawson; Day; Dey; Dicker; Dixon; Doggett; Doke; Don; Doran; Dormer; Doyle; Drake; Dryburgh; Duckett; Duncombe; Dyer; Dykes.
Ecott; Edwards; Elliot; Emmens; Emmons; England; Englefield; Ensom; Ettle; Evans; Everest; Exall; Eyles
Farmer; Farr; Faulkner; Fayers; Fell; Ferris; Finch; Fisher; Flitter; Florence; Fullett; Ford; Fox; Frankham; Franklin; Freemantle; Frost; Fry
Gardner; Gazzard; Gebert; Geering; Gelder; Germain; Gethin; Gibbons; Gibsons; Giles; Gilliam; Gingell; Goddard; Godfrey; Goodchild; Goodenough; Goodfellow; Gracey; Goodyear.
Hadleigh; Hagger; Haines; Hale; Hallam; Hampton; Hancock; Harmsworth; Harris; Harris 1; Hartshorn; Hatch; Hawden; Hawken; Hawkins; Hawkins 1; Hawkins 2; Hawkins 3; Heath; Heathe; Hedgecock; Hedges; Henstridge; Herbert; Hewitt; Hicks; Hills; Hiller; Hiscock; Hoare; Hockney; Hockney 1; Hodges; Holdaway; Hole; Hollingshead; Hope; Hopkins; Horne; Hoskins; Hoysted; Hulbert; Hulme; Hunt; Hussey; Hutchins.
Jacob; Jacob 1; James; Janes; Jefferson; Jeffery; Jennings; John; Jones.
Keel; Keel; Keith; Keep; Kent; Kerbrat; Kercher; Kew; Kimber; King; Kingdon; Kinge; Kite; Kitwell; Kulski.
Lake; Lambden; Lampart; Lampart1; Lander; Lane; Langford; Langley; Lawes; Lawes; Lawerence; Lay; Laybourne; Leavey; Lavy; Lever; Leeks; Lethaby; Lewis; Lilly; Lipscomb; Lisney; Livingstone; Locke; Lodge; Long; Long 1; Lovegrove; Lowe; Loxton; Lucas; Lunn.
McVoy; Holdsworth McConnel; McGillivray; Macqueen; Mace; Maibeuf; Marshall; Martin; Matthews; Maule; Mansbridge; Maure; May; Mclean; Mears; Mendum; Mendum 1; Merrick; Metcalf; Miles; Millard; Mills; Milne; Milward; Minter; Mitchell; Monckton; Mongers Vol 1; Mongers Vol 2; Mongers Vol 3; Mongers Vol 4; Morlands; Morris; Moss; Mount; Mullen; Murrell; Morrell.
Nalder; Nash; Nelhams; Newman; Nelhams; Nicholson; Nisbet; Nixon; Nocella; Nockles; Norridge; Norris; North; North 1; Newton.
Oakley; OBee; OHagan; Olden; Osman; Owen;
Padwick; Page; Paisley; Parish; Parker; Pascall; Payne; Peach; Peachey; Pearce.Pearce;Paice; Parson; Peppin; Perry; Philliss; Pike; Pippen; Pither; Poole; Pope; Powell; Pratt; Prictoe; Priestley; Prior; Prout; Prouten; Pullinger.
Rampton; Rampton-1; Randall; Rathgen; Rawlings; Ray; Rayner; Reed; Rees; Rickford; Rivers; Roe; Rogers; Rolfe; Rood; Rudman; Rushton; Russell.
Safranek; Sandford; Sapp; Saul; Savage; Saunders Vol 3; Saunders Vol 4; Saunders Vol 5; Saunders A – H; Schofield; Scott; Scutter; Seabrook; Searing; Searle; Seward; Shadwick; Shatford; Shepard; Simpson; Simpson Vol 2; Sims; Singler; Sinkinson; Smart; Smith; Smith 1; Smithers; Soper; Sparkes; Speight; Spencer; Spray; Stacey Vol 1; Stacey Vol 2; Stacey Vol 3; Stanley Vol 1; Stanley Vol 2; Stafford; Stamp; Stapleton; Steele; Stevens; Stone; Stowell; Stroud; Stupart; Suter; Swan; Swinback; Sykes.
Talbot;Taylor;Taylor 1;Tennant;Thomas; Tiplady; Townsend; Treacher; Tremble; Treacher; Trusler; Tuffin; Tull; Turrell.
Walford; Wallace; Ward; Warner; Warner 1; Warren; Waters; Watson; Webb; Weissleberg; Wells; Wheeler; Whelan; Whitchfield; White; Whitehouse; Whithorn; Wickens; Wigley; Williams; Willington; West; West 1; West 2; West 3; Willis; Wilson; Wilson-Dutton; Wise; Wiseman; Withey; Woodall; Woods; Woodward; Woollett; Wooten; Worsfold; Wright; Wykes; Wyeth; Wythe.
Tadley Census Files
In addition to the Tadley family names, Iris Stanley also documented the 1841 and 1851 census details for Tadley, Pamber and Baughurst. These were also hand-written and have been scanned into the following pdf files.
1841 Census
Tadley 1841 Census
Tadley 1841 Census Index
Pamber 1841 Census
Pamber 1841 Census Index
Baughurst 1841 Census
Baughurst 1841 Census Index
Note regarding use of ages in the 1841 Census
The census takers were instructed to give the exact ages of children but to round the ages of those older than 15 down to a lower multiple of 5.
For example, a person aged 19 would be listed as 15, a person aged 22 would be listed as age 20, and a person age 59 would be listed as 55. In practice, many census officials either did not round down at all or only rounded down for higher ages, such as over 20, or (less frequently) rounded down ages below 15. In general, the age of a person under 15 is probably accurate to within a year or two. For persons over 15, any age that is not a multiple of 5 is likely also to be accurate – for example, if a person is listed as 27, he or she probably really is 27 or thereabouts, rather than 25.
The area you have to be careful of is persons over age 15 whose age is a multiple of 5 – they may be up to 4 years older than their census listing shows – so if your ancestor is listed as 50, remember that he or she is likely actually between the ages of 50 and 54 inclusive. This, of course, does not even take into account the errors made by census officials and family members reporting the ages of others! Finally, if the age of a person was unknown, children were supposed to be recorded as “under 20” and adults as “over 20”. This does not apply to the later censuses.
1851 Census
Tadley 1851 Census
Tadley 1851 Census Index
Pamber 1851 Census
Pamber 1851 Census Index
Baughurst 1851 Census
Baughurst 1851 Census Index
Extra Information
Top surnames from the 1881 census in Tadley, Hampshire
Page updated: Monday 1st July 2024.