Arson in His Majesty’s Dockyard – 8pm Wed 20th October 2021

James Aitken, oft times known as John The Painter: the First Modern Terrorist. By Alan Turton. Hurrah! Our first live talk for many a long month. In the good old days of yesteryear we tend to think of baddies as highwaymen, footpads or pirates. To have our own […]

‘The History of Houses’ – 8 pm Wed 15th Sept 2021

The History of Houses by Trevor Ottlewski Trevor is Chairman of the Wokingham History Group and has a special interest in the area’s historic buildings. He gave a chronological review of houses from pre-Roman to the present, with very good illustrations from real buildings. His first point was […]

The Pursuit and Sinking of Bismarck – 8pm Wed 21st July 2021 (ZOOM)

The Pursuit and Sinking of the Bismarck By David Bickerton David related the tale of the sinking of German battleship Bismarck which was a dramatic episode of World War II. His great interest is because his father was serving on one of the Royal Navy ships. The end […]

1752 and All That: the derivation of the modern calendar – 8pm 19th May 2021

A Talk by Mark Bowman Why 1752? Well that was the year that Britain changed its calendar system and famously lost eleven days. The title of the talk is a play on ‘1066 and all that’ the hilarious book from the 1930s by Sellars and Yeatman which treats […]

Journey from Sandhurst to Sandhurst – 8pm 16th June 2021

The Great Sandhurst to Sandhurst Walk, via Sandhurst by Graham Harding (assisted by Helen) Graham and Helen moved to Sandhurst, Berkshire in 2004. Through misdirected post they rapidly found out there are two other Sandhursts in southern England and so was born the project to walk from the […]

Smelly Alley in Reading – 8pm 17th March 2021

Union Street, also known locally as Smelly Alley, is a pedestrian alley in the centre of the English town of Reading. It is lined with small shops and other retail outlets, and connects Broad Street and Friar Street. The name Smelly Alley came about in the 1940s, as […]

Humour in Genealogy – 8pm April 21st 2021

A talk by Chris Broom As the title suggests, his talk “Humour in Genealogy” uses a number of light-hearted examples to demonstrate the advantages of scrutinising original documents in family-history research, many of which contain additional information not included in online records. Humour in Genealogy – A talk […]

Battle of the Somme – 8 pm Wed Feb 17th 2021

The Battle of the Somme: the blackest day in the history of the British Army Online talk by Phil Wood The first day of the battle remains the worst day in the history of the British Army, when it suffered 57,470 casulties, around 20,000 of whom were killed. After a series of attacks and counter...


For those who missed it, here is the 2020 TADS quiz. Grab a pencil and paper… there are four rounds. Each section has ten questions worth 1 point each. click for answers at the end of each round! Round 1 – General History 1. Which aerospace manufacturer constructed the […]

The Windsor Chair – TADS online talk Wed 8pm 20th Jan 2021

FREE ACCESS FOR TADS MEMBERS Members receive link by email 5 days before talk  “The remarkable story of our National chair”, an online talk by Stuart Linford This classic design was created in the Thames valley at the beginning of the 18th Century.  Windsor chairs are a large […]

Poisons for Medicine

TADS Zoom Talk on 18th November 2020 Poisons for Medicine  By Graham Harrison Who would use poisons as medicine? Well the Victorians certainly did as Graham told us in his amusing and interesting talk, seemingly in large quantities. But before we chuckle too much, we must not forget […]

Underground Architecture

  The image above is Sudbury Town Tube Station London. London Underground Piccadilly Line station designed by Charles Holden in a modern European style. 1931. The Grade II* listed building was described by Pevsner as “an outstanding example of how satisfying such unpretentious buildings can be, purely through […]

Never had it so good

On  16th Sep 2020 Colin Oakes gave an online talk entitled “Never had it so good”   Colin Oakes is an archaeologist and a London guide who has significant knowledge of London’s history and  superb delivery skills. In the past he has talked about Dickens’ Childhood, The London […]

Jane Austen and the Military – Recent Online Talk

Tadley and District History Society provides monthly external talks on history related topics at 8 pm on the third Wednesday of the month.  This months online talk on Aug 19th 2020 was  by Rupert Mathews. Rupert had come up with what might seem a very strange slant on […]

“Putting Tadley on the map: from Gough to Google.” By John Leighfield

Recent online meeting  17th June 2020 We were  very pleased to have John Percival Leighfield CBE provide our June  talk.  He has a passion for maps since his schooldays and discussed, in a highly illustrated talk, how maps have developed from the 14th century until the present day. […]